Hornungs Random Dispatcher Used in Mage Stronghold Quest

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Hornungs Random Dispatcher Used in Mage Stronghold Quest

Post by TheDraikenWeare »

Hey @Magus

I just wanted to make a suggestion on somthing , nothing large or Big.

In the Mage Stronghold Quest when Charname is sent after Lord Ketlaar Argrim I always felt imprisonment was a very cruel punishment, putting someone in the ground for all eternity you know. Even if thier not conscious, just doesn't sit right with me.

But in your Wild Mage additions you added the spell hornungs random dispatcher, which in the situation completely would get rid of Argrim and isn't as cruel as Imprisonment maybe.
In my playthrough I used it and it sent him to the quasi-plane of radiance. Which according to lore is survivable (and more humane in my opinion) and has a pillar at the center that heals all injuries and also has a city in the plane.

But the game didn't read this and obviously I have to use global in console to set the thing as if Imprisonment was used.

I was thinking if you ever update the mod again anytime soon or far you could add suggestion text in the journal for this if the player is a wildmage or has Neera in the party.
And add a flag that reads Hornungs Random Dispatcher for the quest and maybe dialog after with Teos about having used the Spell instead of Imprisonment or killing him outright.

Anyway it was just a thought.
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Re: Hornungs Random Dispatcher Used in Mage Stronghold Quest

Post by Magus »

WMA is not my mod, I'm maintaining it for now.
The idea is nice, but the behaviour is consistent with original game, actual Imprisonment will also not work on him.
I wouldn't be opposed to tweaks, but I won't spend time on this myself.
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