Golem's features and particularities

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Golem's features and particularities

Post by Magus »

First things first
Golem is not perfect. It's software in development. Things are added, removed, changed at times. It likely has bugs, and sometimes, for example you might get a wrong report. You are encouraged to report such issues for investigation.

Everything listed below is not set in stone, just the current state of Golem as is. It's open for reconsideration at any point based on user feedback/requests, various circumstances and stars alignment.

- Supported platforms: BG:ToB with G3 fixpack, BG:EE, BG2:EE, BGT, EET, SoD.
- Time limitation: max installation time is 10 minutes total. Builds over 10 minutes will be aborted.
- Component selection: Golem doesn't support components with choices, or any other interactive input. It just runs "weidu --yes...", so whichever subcomponent is first wins.
- Statuses: there are 4 possible build statuses: "error", "warning", "passing" and "perfect". Error status will result from a WeiDU error or a Happy "HE-" message. Same for warnings. A build that has no errors or warnings will register as "passing". To attain "perfect" status, Happy must be enabled, and there must be no errors, warnings or issues, not even "info" level.
  The overall build status is the worst status across all enabled platforms.
- Data retention: Data is treated as transient. Logs are kept for the last 30 builds, older ones are cleaned up.
- Linux support: Classic platforms reside on a case-sensitive filesystem. Mod files will be lowercased before installation, to ensure that mod installs properly on Linux. EEs are case-insensitive.
- Translation: builds won't be triggered by commits pushed by the Hive, to avoid extraneous load.
Please do not PM or email me about my mods and projects. Use forums. Also, see our talk channels.
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