I installed tweaks and tricks

A collection of tweaks, cheats and common sense changes.
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Re: I installed tweaks and tricks

Post by Lorn »

Thanks. Another question:

The convenience tweaks add bottomless bags - did you make it 65535 slots/infinite ? I'm wondering because Atweaks suggest, that if you have many bags inside the inventory, the best thing to do not to make the engine go crazy is having 999 slots available MAX for each bag.

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Re: I installed tweaks and tricks

Post by Magus »

It's 32k https://github.com/BGforgeNet/bg2-tweak ... omless.tpa.
I think it's the amount of actual items inside that matters, not the amount of slots. Althoug not 100% sure.
Anyway, the only way you get thousands of items is if you start putting money in the bags, I think.

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