Sensible Otiluke's Resilient Sphere

A collection of tweaks, cheats and common sense changes.
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Re: Sensible Otiluke's Resilient Sphere

Post by Magus »

TheDraikenWeare wrote: Wed Sep 20, 2023 3:24 pm So like the one below?
I guess, I mean I'm just looking for fog of war.
Here's the comparison in classic:
Captura desde 2023-09-20 22-31-48.png (978.23 KiB) Viewed 8178 times
Captura desde 2023-09-20 22-31-52.png (815.49 KiB) Viewed 8178 times

This is probably an EE issue then, I'll check it out.
TheDraikenWeare wrote: Wed Sep 20, 2023 3:24 pm I mean don't enemy NPCs use the same spells , so wouldn't it apply to them as well. I mean there doesn't have to be a real separation between the two , it can just be explained that offensive spells overload it , I guess.
The same spell, but since it needs to have a saving throw for enemies, and no S/T for friendlies, internally it calls 2 different subspells. It's a common technique in IE. And you do have to handle them differently, otherwise enemies will just randomly break out of the sphere.
TheDraikenWeare wrote: Wed Sep 20, 2023 3:24 pm So could you point me in the right direction so I can get started on what to read up on to do this , because I'm practically know zero when it comes to all this.
I would recommend to get one spell (magic missiles or something) to do what you want manually with NearInfinity, then think about codifying it.
NearInfinity, spell file format, spell effects list.
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Re: Sensible Otiluke's Resilient Sphere

Post by TheDraikenWeare »

Ok, But how do I go about making a tp2, tpa and all that other stuff thats like "if" ,"run" "end" .

Like how you did it all and stuff.
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Re: Sensible Otiluke's Resilient Sphere

Post by Magus »

WeiDU documentation is here.
Generally, you just take someone else's code and tinker with it until it does what you want. Here, for example, you can start by taking tnt code, and throwing away everything but this single component.
You do need to undestand file format to write the modification code, so I'd get familiarized with NI first.
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Re: Sensible Otiluke's Resilient Sphere

Post by TheDraikenWeare »

So what you're saying is I edit all the spells I want to cancel the effect with near infinity, then put a copy of them in a folder.

Then copy your tpa and edit it to run the mod install, just to understand it all clearly?

(Also I think I would just do Aoe spells and Summoning spells, your grievance made sense now I think about it , so I would probably just do fireball, Horrid wilting ,DM, etc , just the loop holes)
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Re: Sensible Otiluke's Resilient Sphere

Post by Magus »

You can go about it however you wish.
I only suggested that you start small, edit a spell manually to get the sense of it. I didn't suggest editing them all manually.
No, it's not as simple as putting the files into a folder. You'll need to understand weidu, spells, effects, etc.
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Re: Sensible Otiluke's Resilient Sphere

Post by Magus »

I can't reproduce on EET, so you'll have to investigate on your own.
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Re: Sensible Otiluke's Resilient Sphere

Post by TheDraikenWeare »

Even though you couldn't figure out the issue @Magus , talking to you actually helped me to fix it.

The issue was from a component of Olyvntweaks that makes infravision into an actual functional spell that does have a utility ingame.

As I said I don't have any knowledge of how to mod or anything (still trying to understand it all to close those loop holes) , but you pointing out that your tweak focuses on visual range, made me think that since that mod states in its readme that it too affects visual range also, then it could be that.

And so it was.

Thank you for answering me through this and responding to me, as you have done.
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