And inlay hints.
To allow hints to work, you need to tell MLS where to find the translation. It's done in .bgforge.yml file, which you should place into root of your project.
Code: Select all
directory: data/text/english/dialog
auto_tra: true # optional, if not specified defaults to true
The system works similarly to WeiDU's AUTO_TRA. You specify the directory, and the files are matched by their basename.
So, "smarter_familiars.d" file will be matched with "smarter_familiars.tra".
For Fallout, that's pretty much how it always worked, script names match their msg names.
However, any file may be directed to get the translation elsewhere explicitly. This is done with a special @tra tag, which must be on the very first line, like so (see first screenshot).
Code: Select all
/** @tra smarter_familiars.tra */
It's also possible to use a subdirectory:
Code: Select all
/** @tra mycomponent/smarter_familiars.tra */
Hover tooltips are normal hovers. Hotkey for inlay hints is Alt-Ctrl.